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On October 28, 2018, a total of 109 matheletes between grades 3 through 8 gathered at Live Oak Park Recreation Center in Temple City, CA and participated in the first Number Tournament event. The event lasted from 9 am through 12:30 pm and consisted of a total of 28 teams competing in 3 fun-filled math games: "Hit The Target", "24", and finally "Smash!". 


We would like to take this opportunity to again give special thanks and appreciation to all our 2018 sponsors for all the donated items including our goodies bags, snacks, drinks and food.


Individual Overall Champion

Congratulations to Erica L. (6th, Jefferson Middle School) for winning the Individual Overall Champion!


Congratulations to Individual Winners!

[3rd Grade]

1st Place: Riya D. (Juliet Morris Elementary School)

2nd Place: Evan L. (Precious Blood Catholic School)

3rd Place: Nicole V. & Nina B. (Precious Blood Catholic School)

[4th Grade]

1st Place: Alice Y. (Maple Hill)

2nd Place: Amber L. (Country Springs Elementary)

3rd Place: Dean S. (Hickory Elementary)

[5th Grade]

1st Place: Ashvik N. (Turtle Rock Elementary School)

2nd Place: Gavin S. (Hickory Elementary)

3rd Place: Matthew C. (Meadows Elementary)

[6th Grade]

1st Place: Erica L. (Jefferson Middle School)

2nd Place: Sophie L. (Dana Middle School)

3rd Place: Sophie W. (Ridgecrest Intermediate School)

[7th Grade]

1st Place: Sai Vaibhav D. (Lexington Jr)

2nd Place: Wendy Z. (First Avenue Middle School)

3rd Place: Brian S. (Parras Middle School)

[8th Grade]

1st Place: Jin Hui L. (Dana Middle School)

2nd Place: Jules T. (Lycée International de Los Angeles)

3rd Place: Sahanna R. (Foothills Middle School)


Congratulations to Team Winners!

[3rd Grade]

1st Place: PBS 2 (Precious Blood) {Natalie G., Nicole V., Jethro M., Cristof F.}

2nd Place: PBS 1 (Precious Blood) {Aaden B. , Calvin B., Evan L., Nina B.}

3rd Place: Math Wizards (Washington Elementary) {Christopher K., Ray D., Kosijo M., Charles C.}

[4th Grade]

1st Place: Mathgicians {Annie K. (Eagle Canyon Elementary), Amber L. (Country Springs Elementary), Nancy L. (Eagle Canyon Elementary), Christie S. (Country Springs Elementary)}

2nd Place: {Jayden L. (Martha Baldwin School), Seaena K. (Santiago Hills Elementary School), Pierre-Ange P. (Lycée International de Los Angeles), Karianne T. (Martha Baldwin School)

3rd Place: Hickory Hound 4 (Hickory Elementary) {Taylor K., Mio W., Melina A., Dean S.}

[5th Grade]

1st Place: {Ashvik N. (Turtle Rock Elementary School), Sam C. (Grand View Elementary), Devananda A. (Don Juan Avila Elementary School), Annie Z. (Camino Grove)}

2nd Place: Hickory Hound 5 ((Hickory Elementary) {Troy K., Gavin S., Erika C., Tiger K.}

3rd Place: Bobcats (Bradoaks, Monrovia) {Trevor S., Ellie A., Mira C., Devon T.}

3rd Place: PBS 4 (Precious Blood Catholic School) {Kaeila L., Amanda O., Isaac H., Durt R.}

[6th Grade]

1st Place: (Clovery Elementary) {Tony P., Leeann S., Ying Z., Karen L.}

2nd Place: The Smart Ones {Chenye X. (Camino Grove), Hanyu Z. (Ekstrand Elementary School), Angel Y. (Chaparral Middle School), Victor Z. (Chaparral Middle School)}

3rd Place: Math Cubs (Cloverly Elementary) {Katelyn C., Jeremy Y., Adrian Y., Tiger Z.}

[7th Grade]

1st Place: Sobe {Sophie W. (Ridgecrest Intermediate), Oriana C. (Adams Middle), Erica L. (Jefferson Middle), Brian S. (Parras Middle)}

2nd Place: {Wendy Z. (First Ave), Sai Vaibhav D. (Lexington Jr.)}

[8th Grade]

1st Place: MYJS {Madeline A. (Foothills Middle School), Yueran L. (Chandler), Oscar E. (Santa Fe Computer Magnet Middle School), Sahanna R. (Foothills Middle School)}

2nd Place: {Jules T. (Lycée International de Los Angeles), Jinhui L. (Dana Middle School), David C. (Lycée International de Los Angeles)}

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Below are feedback from past participants and parents of Number Tournament.


"It was a very fun and exciting event!"

"We will definitely come back; and next year we hope to support more the event. Let us know how can we help the event!"

"Our students really enjoyed all the games, and even today they kept practicing the game 24 (they were saying they would do better next year)"

"I also wanted you to know that Sam had an amazing time at the tournament! He came without a team, met really nice kids and learned so much from them. Thank you for making this happen!"

"The kids were super engaged, sharing ideas with each other. My son learned a lot and left extremely excited to share what he had learned with friends and family."

"I hope that you continue with this tournament. I would like to bring a team rather than just an individual next year."

"Thank you for the invite. It was our first year and my daughter enjoyed it. :)"

Organizer (non-profit):

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Last updated on September 28th, 2024

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