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Number Tournament 2021


Special thanks to the current sponsors of this year's Number Tournament:

Number Tournament 2021 Results

Congratulations to all the winners of Number Tournament!  

3rd-4th Grades:

1st Place - Cameron K. (108 points) - Hickory Elementary

2nd Place - Alina S. (107 points) - Hickory Elementary

3rd Place - Viviana C. (79 points) - Maple Hill Elementary

1st Place Team - The Cool Team (411 points) - Maple Hill Elementary, Holy Ave Elementary, Emperor Elementary, Silver Spur Elementary

Viviana C., Kaitlyn L., Angelina F., Mindi Z.

2nd Place Team - 4th Grade Riptides (348 points) - Robinson Elementary

Evan L., Greyson N., Rylan K., Payton M.

3rd Place Team - Meadows 4th Grade Girls (339 points) - Hickory Elementary

Mikayla D., Alina S., Cameron K.

Honorable Mentions:

Pacific Panthers (256 points)
Jonathan H., Neil K., Beckett P., Zayaan M.

Room 9 (236 points) 

Naomi A., Kayla H., Alicia Z.

5th-6th Grades:

1st Place - Elise S. (126 points) - Hickory Elementary

2nd Place - Isabella G. (118 points) - Dodson Middle School

3rd Place - Ayaan A. (116 points) - Manhattan Beach Middle School

1st Place Team - Hounds (530 points)​ - Hickory Elementary, Fern Elementary

Elise S., Calvin S., Jenny L., Ryan Q.

2nd Place Team - Cool Panthers (398 points) - Portola Highly Gifted Middle School, Goddard Middle School, Chandler School, Franky C Whiteley School

Pranav B., Petey B., Yueri L., Ethan L.

3rd Place Team - The Calculators (386 points) - Manhattan Beach Middle School

Avi K., Aman P., Ethan S., Kyle L.

Honorable Mentions:

Number2Fun (410 points)
Hannah H., Lauren C., Xinran Y., Jessie L.

Dodson Middle School B (384 points) 

Isabella G., Irene K., Ashley K., Sophie V.

7th-8th Grades:

1st Place - San Ko. (146 points) - Dodson Middle School 

2nd Place - Gavin S. (145 points) - Dodson Middle School 

3rd Place - Yuha L. (143 points) - Dodson Middle School 

1st Place Team - Dodson Middle School (783 points) 

Gavin S., Erinne P., San K., Yuha L.

2nd Place Team - Mathmagicians (458 points) - Dana Middle School, Madrona Middle School, First Ave Middle School, Manhattan Beach Middle School

Ethan H., Dean S., Jacob L., Kellen L.

3rd Place Team - Math Cultivators (399 points) - Ridgecrest Intermediate School, Jefferson Middle School, Foothills Middle School

Henry H., Audrey C., Derrick K., Paxton L.

Honorable Mentions:

Cool Math Top1 (385 points)
Hanyu Z., Helena H., Annie K., Alice Y.

Room 21 (330 points) 

Iris Y., Zhiyuan Z., Jash D.


Special thanks to the current sponsors of this year's Number Tournament:

Isabelle Brocas
Uniyal Sharma
Fung Yeung
Nick Hiranburana 


Kayoung Kim
Agnes Tubola
Cool Math 

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